Joe's List

I really wish I hadn’t surfed across Joe’s List - Joe Blitman’s Fashion & Celebrity Dolls. OMG he has an extensive offering of hard-to-find doll collectibles for sale. There’s an African-American Barbie Convention Doll Set I could die for but $400 is just not in my budget right now. Arrgh!
Barbie and computer gadgets are my weaknesses so Joe’s site will definitely be a struggle for me to avoid spending money. Please pray for me...I am so serious.

This is such a nice set. I love the guy's hair. Maybe it will go down in price and you can ger never know.
I really like this set, very nice. We are all Barbies at one time or another of our lives, or ALWAYS...
It looks like a really nice set. I may have to sell some of my other dolls so I can get them. Still keeping my eye out on them. There are some other really nice items on that site. *fingers crossed*
hot barbie news you may wanna know xx
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