AKA Barbie sells fast at sorority convention
Well, I will have to wait to get the Alpha Kappa Alpha Barbie. The small number of dolls on hand went very quickly at the price of $49.95 each. A portion of the sales of the doll will go the organization to continue its legacy of wonderful international programming and service. A little trivia, Michelle Obama has accepted honorary membership in Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. When her husband, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, becomes President of the United States, she will become the second Alpha Kappa Alpha woman to represent this country as First Lady. Eleanor Roosevelt is the first AKA to serve as First Lady. If you're not familiar with Alpha Kappa Alpha, do check the website at http://www.aka1908.org/.
Michelle Obama did not become an honorary member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated at the sorority's national convention in Washington, DC.
I don't think that that's fair. I mean there are a lot of women in the WORLD that would love to become one of the wonderful ladies of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Inc. and are not able to for various reasons. (Yes, I am one of the many women that would love to be an AKA and can't) If she can become an AKA/Honorary AKA just because of a title that she and/or her husband has then there should be strings pulled for everyone. Don't get me wrong I am very proud of Michelle Obama and the things that she stands for, but I also believe that she should have to learn everything about the sisterhood just as others have. She should have the want in her heart to be an woman of Alpha Kappa Alpha. If anyone can become an honorary member tell me where i can sign up because I started learning everything there is to know about Alpha Kappa Alpha when I was in the 8th grade, I'm 27 now so that's a lot of information. However if Mrs. McKinzie does decide to make her an honorary member then I give Michelle Obama her props, because she's done something that I can only dream of doing, Becoming apart of a sisterhood that is above the rest.
I am a memeber of AKA sorority and Michelle Obama is not the first honorary member to be inducted...they include many prominent black women who stand for the same principles that are outlined in the AKA motto...her being an honorary member is not about what is fair or not...since you are 27 years old I would assume that you are no longer an undergrad which means the only way to become a member is through invitation into a graduate chapter by a member who feels that you share the ame qualities as other sorors ...I am sure that Michelle Obama received an invitation as well...she is considered an Honorary Member because of the type of accomplishments she has made and it is an honor to call her my soror...not because of her name, but because of her legacy....
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