For newbies to the world of Barbie collecting, the website is a must see on your list of sites to research. Their Barbie collecting start page is chock full of links that should satisfy your desire to learn all things Barbie. If you’re not a newbie, it’s a great site for you to visit also.

With the discontinuation of Barbie Bazaar magazine last year, collectors such as I have been longing for a way to keep up with the news on Barbie as well as receive history lessons on the pink diva herself.
The editions of Haute Doll I received as a Barbie Bazaar subscriber were okay but not enugh to quench my thirst for all things Barbie. Call me a snob if you'd like but I don't particularly care for sharing space with dolls outside of the Barbie family.
Thank God a new magazine is on the horizon, perhaps you've already seen the first edition but I haven't had the honor. It's called Barbie Collector. It appears to start where Barbie Bazaar left off. I'll give you my opinion as soon as I receive my copy in the mail.
Unitl next time...Smooches!